Sabtu, 22 Maret 2008

Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Name : Wawat Srinawati

NPM : 06211210255

Smt/Class :IV/B



Technology in the classroom there are :

- Technology in Language teaching

- Attitudes to technology

- Implementing ICT in the classroom

- Skills and equipment for getting started

1. Technology in Language teaching

Technology in language teaching is not new. Indeed, technology has been around in language teaching for decades-one might argue for centuries, if we classify the blackboard as a form of technology. Tape recorders, language laboratories and video have been in use since the 1960s and 1970s, and are still used in classroom the world.

Although the use of ICT by language teachers is still not widespread, the use of technology in the classroom is becoming increasingly important, and it will become a normal part of ELT practice in the coming years.

2. Attitudes to technology.

A large part of the negatives attitudes teachers have towards technology is usually the result of a lack of confidence, a lack of facilities or a lock of training, resulting in an inability to see the benefit of using technologies in the classroom. It is also often the case that teachers may not be fully in control of their work situation. A teacher may want to news more technology and their teaching but the school may not have the facilities, or, on the other hand, a teachers may be instructed to star using technology for which they fell unprepared on untrained.

3. Implementing ICT in the classroom

You will need to used the internet mainly as a resource with your learners accessing the internet to download and print out material to used offline with classes. Technology –based activities you can do by printing by of materials include:

- Using website

- Internet based project especially web quest offline

- Emile keypad projects using the teachers Emil account

- A class blog with learners preparing their contribution on paper in the teacher

typing them into the computer.

- Using online reference tools such as concordance on paper

- Electronically produced materials printed out for learners.

4. Skills and equipment for getting started.

The basic skills you do need to have in place before with star reading this book are how to use a simple work processing program (e.g. Microsoft word), How to new Emil and how to access and use the internet, and trying out the activities suggested with your learners ( with plenty of step by step help provided in the tutorials on the CD-ROM if you feel you need it ), you should be able to greatly increase your ICT skills set, and to feel a lot more confident above using technology in the classroom.

You will also need some essential equipment in order to get the most out of this book, and to star to implement technology with your learners:

- At lest one computer (preferably one per two student)

. - An internet connection

- A printer

- An audio card in the computer and a handset ( audio and microphone for every computer

- Basic software ( a word possessing program, web browser like internet explorer, firebox, safari or mozilla, and an Emil program .

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