Senin, 07 April 2008

Foundation of Literature

Name : Wawat Srinawati

NPM : 06211210255

Smt / Class : IV / B

Little : Romeo and Juliet

Author : William Shakespeare

My myth is very similar to the story of Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet is about two teenage “star-crossed” lovers who despite their family’s rivalry, wed. During their plan, they fall victim to themselves with a simple miscommunication. They end up commit suicide not able to live with out each other. The two stories are similar in their tragic endings. Although I believe that Romeo and Juliet is mach sadder than my myth, I’d like to believe that maybe Shakespeare heard about unlike my myth, When Juliet “dies” she’s really not dead, so when Romeo killed himself it was so heartbreaking. Where as in my myth, when the girl kills herself, it’s more romantic than tragic. It’s the idea of them together forever in the form of a tree vine. Both stories make you itch for that kind of love. To be so in love with someone that you would kill yourself if you lost him or her, It’s little bit scary too. Although I wish for that kind of love sometimes, I also know that I wouldn’t want my whole life to revolve around what someone else’s life is. That’s why I think these stories are so popular , we can live out that fantasy with out taking risks in real life.

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